Independent Jewish Day School

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The IJDS Award

The IJDS Award is a leadership, skills, character development and personal growth programme for children at IJDS, designed to enhance a child’s personal growth and understanding of the world around them. It helps to empower the children to ‘be the change you want to see’ by giving them the opportunities to develop skills, support their families and local communities and have an impact on the wider society. 

The Award is split into 4 sections:

  • Personal development
  • Supporting of others
  • Supporting of others in the local community
  • Social action project

The award helps to develop key skills, such as:

  • Leadership
  • Character development
  • Growth mindset
  • Personal wellbeing
  • Motivation
  • Communal cohesion

In order to pass each section, children need to complete 30 hours of ‘skills’ and provide some photographic evidence and give feedback on how they have developed over the course of the section.